Justin Franks for State Rep Dist 19
Visionary Leader, Change Agent
May 20, 2024 94.7 Grays Harbor radio interview
June 4, 2024 101.7 Grays Harbor KXRO radio interview
Economic Opportunity Through Bold And Innovative Legislation
Look, our District spans Aberdeen to Longview (North to South) and I-5 to Long Beach (East to West). Aberdeen and Longview hold the keys of opportunity for our District. We need innovation and bold ideas to realize the potential these two great cities have. Between both of them we have deep water ports, railroad infrastructure, and industrial infrastructure that we can use to bring more opportunity to our District. But Government overreach has caused our Fishing and Timber industries to suffer and prevented other innovative industries from growing within in our District.
We need to push back on government overreach, keep the Constitution front and center, and help our local communities thrive. Pushing back is a duty bestowed upon us by our founding fathers.
I am absolutely fed up with both Democrats and Republicans. They might as well be the same party. It's like they both try their best to constantly work against and undermine our Constitution and basic rights guaranteed within. All that does is hurt everyone in our District. It hurts our jobs, finances, healthcare, environment, quality of life, housing, peace and security, property, and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution.
Change is never going to happen if we keep voting for the same two parties over and over. I am here to give you another option.